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Pender & Coward’s 政府合同和公共采购 practice attorneys represent large, small, 少数族裔和女性拥有的企业与联邦政府签订合同, 国家和地方政府采购货物和亚洲博彩平台排名, 包括建设.

Our lawyers are experienced in advising clients on the formation of public contracts, 还有认证, 换发新证, 以及政府和公共合同的管理. We provide the legal advice and representation frequently needed by contractors during the performance of contracts with federal, 州和地方政府机构, and routinely work with clients to handle and provide legal representation with respect to:

  • 投标抗议
  • 小企业、少数族裔和妇女拥有的企业问题
  • Assistance in the preparation of requests and claims for contract adjustments for changes, 有缺陷的规范, 不同的场地条件, 以及延迟和时间延长
  • 米勒法案和小米勒法案的债券索赔
  • 检验、验收和保修事项
  • 因违约而终止合同
  • 为方便政府而终止合同
  • David Bacon Act, Service Contract Act and Walsh Healy Public Contract Act claims and DOL Audits
  • 成本核算和定价问题
  • DCAA audits
  • False Claims Act, Anti-Kickback Act, debarment, and other ethical issues
  • 向军队提出索赔的诉讼, 和其他机构合同上诉委员会, the United States Court of Federal Claims and the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

Our lawyers are experienced in dealing with contracts and subcontracts having standard terms and conditions unique to government contracts and which are subject to many socio-economic policies and obligations, 道德标准, 成本会计准则. We are experienced in handling claims and disputes with the federal government under the Contract Disputes Act of 1978, 哪些规定了解决纠纷的严格程序. We are also knowledgeable in contracting with agencies of the Commonwealth of Virginia and local public agencies subject to statutory rules and legal principles not applicable to normal commercial contracts.

  • 成功的诉讼和谈判获得了4美元的赔偿.3 million settlement of contractor’s claim for added costs due to 不同的场地条件, 联邦办公大楼的延误和设计缺陷.

  • Successful argument of cases before United States Supreme Court, Circuit Court’s of Appeal and U.S. District Courts involving the proper interpretation of the Miller Act as well as successful prosecution and defense of many Miller Act cases.

  • 成功完成公路工程延期索赔诉讼, 违反进入工地的默示保证, 不同的场地条件, and payment for owned equipment costs in lower courts and Virginia Supreme Court.

  • Representation of city in successful negotiation and settlement of claim of contractor against city for delays, extra work, 市政府对承包商账单违规的索赔, and other breaches of contract that resulted in recovery by city of approximately $1.900万来自承包商.

  • Representation of a city in successful mediation of claim against contractor for defective construction of a bridge involving approximately $3.500万重建桥梁.

  • Representation of a subcontractor in mediation of third party complaint by prime contractor which resulted in a settlement in suit brought by public university against contractor for cost of $1.2 million to remove and replace defective precast stairs in new dormitory.

  • Successful litigation of numerous cases before the General Services Board of Contract Appeals (now the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals) and the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals as well as cases before the United States Court of Federal Claims.

  • Submission of a number of successful bid protests to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and to other state and local governmental agencies on behalf of defense and other contractors bidding upon or submitting offers for the award of government contracts.

  • Defense of Service Contract Act and Davis Bacon Act wage claims on behalf of government contractors.

  • Successful equitable adjustment and contract claims representation of contractors negotiating resolution of claims against federal, state and local governmental agencies without the need for full litigation.


Made claims, 诉讼和解决超过500美元的索赔,000 for constructive change order claims on behalf of a steel fabricator located in Chesapeake, Virginia against the contractor of a coal-fired cogeneration facility in Portsmouth, 它是用来提供蒸汽和电力的.

在西雅图成功仲裁索赔, Washington under American Arbitration Association Construction Rules on behalf of a general contractor against the performance bond surety of a subcontractor for defective work and failure to complete work involving concrete rehabilitation and restoration of the Pudget Sound Naval Shipyard Drydock #6, 导致仲裁裁决和追回超过450美元,000, 包括所有的律师费和费用.

Litigated claims in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee, 并解决了超过400美元的索赔,000 for constructive change order work and delay and disruption claims on behalf of a subcontractor for cleaning and re-coating of above ground diesel fuel storage talks owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority.

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